ISG Publications

The Frog Prince Continued... by Patrick Neher

Sheet music(low-res graphic) and MP3 audio samples.

The Frog Prince on one-act operetta for soprano, tenor, violin, and double bass. The text is from the children's book of the same name by Jon Sciezca. The play tells the story of the Frog Prince who is miserable and would like to have a witch turn him back into a frog, so he can, hopefully, live happily-ever-after. He meets numerous witches on his quest, only to eventually realize that he is happy with his princess. But a surprise ending is delt! The piece is appropriate for all audiences and concert venues, but works especially well with dancers at children's concerts. It is about 15 minutes long and relatively virtuosic for all performers, including speaking parts for the bassist and violinist. It can be heard on the CD, "Bass Ascending Volume 1" Copyright by ISG Publications. All Intl. Rights Reserved.

MP3 audio samples: Frog1  Frog2  Frog3

It is recommended to listen to the sample using head phones, or a high-quality computer speaker system


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